Autumn Leaves


Autumn’s twilight settles on the Earth
And she prepares for sleep,
Wrapped warm in a patchwork eiderdown
Of amber, red and gold.
Farewell kisses from a summer long since passed
They whisper down from the branches
To blanket her in their embrace.
In the west, the sun,
Cradled by a distant horizon,
Casts the final rays of its own farewell,
Brushing golden the naked limbs of wind-twisted tree
Stripped naked now by the fleeting death
Of seasons.
The air is still.
A peaceful, comforting stillness
That enfolds the heart as slumber falls.
In the midst of this tranquillity I sit,
Letting it soak into my skin,
Take me over,
Touch my soul.
Soothing. All worries gone.
‘All is well,’ it seems to say.
‘For while nothing is forever,
Nor is anything forever lost
In the turning of the wheel.’


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